Forgiveness Pages


spring blossom

Focus on Forgiveness



One of the hardest things is actually to forgive oneself. Forgiveness is very individual and personal, so each person has their own ideas, and different things will work for different people or situations.


That is why we have prepared this page the way it is - so you can look at it and think about it. You could fill in the spaces or start over if you want.

Sometimes people like to feel they can make peace with someone before it is too late. The other person may no longer be alive, or they may not be approachable, but you can make your peace privately in your own way. People can change over time and think about things differently - as you may have noticed in yourself. Don't give up hope that there may be a better time to approach someone, or a way to come to terms with something so you are not just blaming yourself or them.

For many people the concept of forgiveness is part of their religion, so there may be someone you can contact who can help with this. But anyone can think about where things may have gone wrong and how they would like to improve them 'if only . . .'

You may have a thought for each day of the week to correspond with these flowers, or use each flower for a different person, or for an aspect of forgiveness you'd like to think about.

Perhaps different animals would make it make more sense, or films or books. It's like putting things on a shelf and knowing where they are when you need them again.

    yellow flower
white flower    
  chicora flower  
    blue flower
white daisy    
  violet flowers  

For some suggestions on books dealing with Forgiveness visit the Books page



The Forgiveness Project lecture 2010 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

  Desmond Tuto video




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