Creating for Yourself |
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One of the hardest things is actually to forgive oneself. Forgiveness is very individual and personal, so each person has their own ideas, and different things will work for different people or situations. |
In these pages you can get some ideas for methods that help you personally to find your way through. Our aim is to provide a place of safety while you can work something out. |
On the Measures & Links page are some images and music. You can find songs or films on YouTube to make your own. It doesn't matter what they are so long as they help you. |
Much of the problem is making peace with ourselves for things we've said or done - or that we've not managed to. See Negotiating Within for some ideas on this. |
On the Forgiveness page you will see pictures dotted around with blank spaces to write in, or to think over what you might write or draw to sort things in your mind. Once you make a start other things will follow. Flowers have an almost universal appeal with a freshness that helps our jaded rhythms. Pets and wildlife do the same for many of us. |
Allow yourself some time and space to do a few things for yourself without feeling that you can't or shouldn't do that. If you are really going through a hard time and cannot manage much, do the best you can just to get through until you can look at the world around you again. |
There is a separate page listing some Books on the theme of Forgiveness in practical terms, or you may just home in on one somewhere else that suits you better. |
If you are creative or not all that much really, you can cut shapes out of paper or material to make a collage, or stick pictures and photos of things you like to be reminded of on the fridge. Or it could be a dream holiday, or your ideal cottage or a boat. |
Sometimes life does get out of control for long or shorter periods. People say that it helps to think about things differently, which is no great help when the chips are down. |
Over time and with a small change here or there, it may become possible for you to do that, and to gain more control over some things in your life. Once the ideas start coming in, you may be fortunate to be in a position to make a choice. |
If you find any situation becoming too hard to handle, there is nothing to be ashamed of in admitting to yourself or others that you may need to leave it, or that you need some support. For Guidelines for Seeking Help including Self-help see |
Many people feel a need for support or information at some stage, but it is better to be careful over whom you trust with personal information, how much you reveal, and how much you take on board by way of advice. Others may be well-meaning or well qualified, but do not hand over control. It is your life! |
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